Pragmatic methane management delivering value to all stakeholders
Pragmatic methane management is using our emissions solutions to maximize profits and generate proof of methane performance. All emissions are not created equal. We help our midstream customers find the emissions that matter and balance operational efficiency with emissions reduction. Our consultative approach focuses on helping you reach your unique goals in each basin. Typically, our customers find that high-frequency aerial surveys are the most effective way to keep their gas in the pipe and maximize the financial benefit of their methane programs.
Actionable data and insights
Find the emissions that matter and improve operational efficiency
Evidence-based strategy
Scientifically-rigorous simulations that help build an optimal survey strategy
Contextual and verifiable results
Prove reductions to stakeholders and compare results to peers in your basin
How it works
We are your methane management partner
We begin by listening to what you want to achieve with your methane program. Whether you want to leverage emissions data to earn more customers, minimize exposure to regulatory fines, or demonstrate compliance, we can tailor our approach to help you succeed.
Evidence-based forecasting
Understand your outcomes
Insight M surveys are a cost-effective, compliant method for detecting emissions across many miles of pipeline. We’ll work with you to find the optimal survey sensitivity and frequency to maximize profits.

Actionable data and insights
Uncover leaks and improve efficiency
Research shows a few large leaks cause the vast majority of emissions. This means, with the right data from frequent surveys, your team can mitigate most of your emissions in a few trips out to the field. Not only is it more efficient and safer for repair teams, it’s the most effective approach for mitigating the most methane.

Contextual and verifiable results
Deliver evidence on your reductions
Because we fly the whole basin, we have the unique ability to put your performance in perspective with your peers. Our Benchmark provides invaluable data for tracking progress and communicating with stakeholders.

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